2024 Board of Directors:
Tara Streb, President
Lance Waters, Vice President
Brianna Hayden, Secretary
R. Alan Roush, OD, Treasurer
Jenna Anderson
Cheryl Barker
Gary Gatman
Payton Hunley
Susan Jansen
Patty Seutter
Amy Terry

Encouraging the economic development, historic preservation, and continuous improvement of downtown Kendallville.
Historic Downtown Kendallville is a thriving business, residential and arts community offering a multitude of retail, entertainment and service establishments while preserving and celebrating its heritage.
About us
Historic Downtown Kendallville (HDK), a
501(c)(3) non-profit organization, is an accredited Indiana Main Street and Main Street America organization.
(TID # 87-4516318.)
This volunteer organization actively seeks opportunities to preserve, develop, and grow the downtown corridor and nearby businesses by focusing on four major areas of advancement:
Marketing and Promotions
Economic Development
Downtown Design & Historic Preservation
Formerly known as Experience the Heart of Kendallville, HDK was integral in helping the City of Kendallville obtain a $600,000 grant from the Office of Community and Rural Affairs (OCRA) to upgrade the Main Street streetscape. The transformation began in 2020 and was completed in late 2021.
In September 2021, Kendallville was also named a PreservINg Main Street Pilot Community, one of only two in the state of Indiana. HDK is stewarding a $2 million grant award to build organizational capacity and transform multiple downtown properties in an effort to preserve the historic integrity and further revitalize the historic district.
In May 2023, HDK achieved accreditation under the Main Street America program.
HDK sponsors several events and festivals downtown every year to bring vibrancy and new customers to the many locally-owned, small businesses that occupy the historic district that is registered on the National Register. In addition to the Board of Directors, volunteers are also invited to serve on various committees.
To learn more, or get involved, please contact us.