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Enjoy downtown events, explore our businesses, and get involved in promoting and preserving historic downtown Kendallville, Indiana!  

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EHK designated a 2021 Main Street™ "affiliate"

Kendallville -- Experience the Heart of Kendallville (EHK) has been designated as an affiliate Main

Street™ program. Each year, Main Street America and its partners announce the list of

nationally recognized affiliate programs in recognition of their commitment to creating

meaningful improvements in their downtowns and commercial districts using the Main Street

Approach™, a framework for preservation-based economic development and community



“We are thrilled to acknowledge this year’s 337 Main Street affiliate programs and their

commitment to revitalizing their downtowns and commercial districts,” said Patrice Frey,

President & CEO of Main Street America. “During a difficult year, these Main Street programs

have proven their unique ability to generate impressive economic outcomes, preserve the

character of their downtowns, and lift up their communities.”

In 2020, Main Street America programs generated $4.14 billion in local reinvestment, helped

open 4,356 net new businesses, generated 14,988 net new jobs, catalyzed the rehabilitation of

8,488 historic buildings, and clocked 983,702 volunteer hours.  

EHK’s performance is annually evaluated by Indiana Main Street, which works in partnership with Main Street America to identify the local programs that are committed to comprehensive revitalization and achieving meaningful community outcomes.


EHK brings a variety of events to downtown Kendallville each year and supports small businesses in the Main Street area.


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